Bianca Ferrari Fantinatti
+55 (41) 3310-6800


Languages: Portuguese, Danish and English

Lawyer graduated from Centro Universitário FMU in 2004, she performs activities in the Resources Sector. She has a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from Escola Paulista de Direito and was a member of the Instituto Paulista de Ciências Jurídicas Ministro Raphael de Barros Monteiro, from 2007 to 2009. She is the coordinating partner of the firm’s Resources Sector, and works directly with the State and Federal Courts, including the Superior Courts (STJ and STF). Bianca is specialized in the preparation of appeals, presentation of briefs, oral arguments, emergency measures in the second degree and all the necessary measures for the effective exercise of law in the appeal level.

Related areas

  • Civil Appeals