Corporate Criminal Law and Internal Investigations


The Corporate Criminal and Internal Investigations area at Casillo Advogados, through a multidisciplinary team, assists companies in the criminal, administrative and preventive spheres with matters relating to criminal law and corporate integrity. The activity covers the following niches:

Internal investigations;

Due diligence;

Monitoring of search and seizure procedures;

Filing of private criminal actions;

Acting in prosecution assistance;

Criminal defense at the police investigation stage and also before all judicial instances;

Preparation of requests for the opening of police investigations;

Monitoring of internal corporate investigations;

Legal opinions in criminal matters;

Training of employees on the conduct to be adopted before police authorities;

Unfair competition;

Environmental crimes;

Crimes committed through electronic means;

Crimes against intellectual property;

Crimes against public health;

Crimes against the capital market;

Corruption crimes;

Bankruptcy and corporate crimes;

Crimes in consumer relations;
Crimes resulting from work accidents and related situations;

Currency evasion;

Money laundry;

Crimes against the economy and tax order;

Frauds involving tenders;

Fraud in the social security system and other social security crimes.